- Love Coach Lauren Frances Teaches Single Women How to Create Bodice-Ripping Romances & Find Love Online — & Offline!
The Short Version: After years of flirtatious research, Lauren Frances wrote “Dating, Mating, and Manhandling,” a comprehensive guide for every single women in the dating field and ready to find her lovebird. Lauren’s internationally acclaimed bestseller has been translated into eight languages and earned her praise in dozens of media outlets, like Bravo, Extra, Elle, and dozens more. Over the past decade, Lauren has established an international reputation as one of America’s leading love and relationship experts as well as a trustworthy dating authority with real-world experiences to back up her sage advice. Today, this professional love coach offers workshops, podcasts, and weekend retreats to help singles believe in love and reach their relationship goals. Whether you’re in your 20s or 60s, Lauren Frances can give you practical advice on how to find a match online or in person. Her weekly newsletter, Lauren’s Love Rx, offers her seriously effective and fun dating and relating advice, and her free podcasts, like The Heartache Prevention Question, are invaluable to active daters.
Lauren Frances had organized hundreds of events in her work as a publicist and event planner, so she was no stranger to the art of bringing people together when she turned her attention to the love department. Her passion project began when she noticed her friends weren’t finding it easy to network and nab a date. They were fabulous individuals, but in need of Lauren’s guidance in the love arena, so she organized the Man Trap Pack. This fun wing-woman flirt group met each week at local hotspots and soon became a smooth-running flirting and dating machine — and the basis for her first book.
The Pack Leader (that was Lauren) planned where and when the group gathered, the Lookout scouted around the bar for hot guys, and the Sniper took out unwanted suitors. By working as a team, the friends had more fun and got faster results than they would as lone wolves in the dating scene.
While out in the field, Lauren learned a lot about flirting and soon became the group’s go-to resource for any and all dating issues. Her practical advice proved incredibly valuable to her single friends. After one friend called her for the fifth time in one day, Lauren jokingly said, “If you call me one more time, I’m going to have to charge you.” Her friend said that was fine with her.
The lightbulb went off, and Lauren decided to share her dating expertise with a wider audience. In 2006, she wrote a lighthearted self-help book titled “Dating, Mating, and Manhandling” to help women unravel the mysteries of dating men. Her flirting techniques and insights on love struck a chord with readers around the world. When Victoria’s Secret tapped Lauren to do a national tour and dubbed her “The Flirt Fairy,” she knew she was onto something. “The book was the catalyst for my career,” she said.
Today, Lauren conducts one-on-one dating coaching in person, over Skype, and on the phone. Her intensive Manifest Master Classes include four transformational workshops geared toward giving women clarity in a befuddling dating environment. Women of all ethnicities, religions, and backgrounds trust Lauren’s universal understanding of love to help them get where they want to be.
“People see me like I’m their therapist or trainer,” she said. “I help people create a vision of love and be more articulate when describing that to potential matches.”
Practical Tips From a Leading Expert in Mobile Dating
Lauren called her Man Magnet Makeover the “crown jewel of coaching practice” because it is incredibly popular with her clients. Featured on numerous TV shows, inclluding The Doctors, Fox, Own and more, these four-day retreats give women the “Romantic Marketing Tools” along with the savvy dating skills women need to rock online dating. By helping women create attractive dating profiles (complete with killer photos), Lauren makes a profound difference in the quality of men the attract, and radically increase the the number of messages and matches they receive. “Women not getting traction online have been really stunned by what my makeovers and online coaching tips can do for them,” the dating coach said.After years of working with single women, Lauren has become a leading expert in online dating and apps, practiced in explaining how to communicate effectively with men. She helps her clients establish clear relationship goals and convey those to a guy early on. She asks her clients introspective questions — like “what is your vision of love and relationships?” — to make sure her clients date with purpose.
“You can’t expect everyone to have the same goals. You need to articulate what you want to create.” — Lauren Frances, professional love coach
Her coaching style is upbeat and upfront. Lauren believes in actions, not affirmations. Rather than offering fluffy advice, the love coach gets down to the specifics of how to vet dates, how to communicate desires, and what to do at every point of the dating process.

“If wishing and hoping worked, then no one would need a love coach,” she said. “I’m a practical, how-to teacher focused on the steps to finding love.”Sometimes an impartial and authoritative voice can give daters the push they need to see things clearly. While Lauren knows how tempting it can be for women to follow a man’s lead regardless of her own desires, the dating coach told us it’s better to scare a man off with relationship talk than hold back to please him with a false image.If your goals don’t fit, Lauren encourages women to call it quits early on in the dating process so they don’t invest time, energy, and emotion into ultimately doomed relationships. “I always say you don’t want to get thrown out of a car at 60 miles per hour,” she said. “It’s better to get out early if you’re not going in the same direction.”
Intensive Retreats, Workshops & Podcasts Empower Daters
If you’re ready to meet the one, Lauren can assist in your quest with her Get in ‘The Ring’ program. This high-heeled boot camp gives women step-by-step advice on how to manifest their love fantasies and successfully get a guy by following her signature Man Plan. According to Lauren, “You don’t need to be a supermodel or be the perfect dress size to find love. You need a proven Man Plan.”Lauren is all about empowering women to let go of their insecurities and have fun in the dating world. Every year, she hosts a special tour in April for women who want to treat themselves to a girl-powered adventure. Lauren describes the Red Stiletto Tour as a traveling party dedicated to all the things women love to do. They shop, they go to clubs, they see shows, visit museums and generally soak in the culture of love in places like Versailles and the Louvre.
The Vision of Love Retreat is a VIP weekend packed with inspiration, celebrity speakers, and reinvigorating information about how to manifest love in your life. Held at the glamorous Roosevelt Hotel, this weekend event inspires women to cultivate a legendary love life. With a maximum of 15 complimentary golden tickets available, these coveted spots tend to sell out quickly, as the weekend is attended by hundreds of women around the globe.Clients come from all over the world to learn Lauren’s dating strategies. The love coach is not just and LA phenom, but also leads retreats and workshops in NYC and in Europe.Not every session with Lauren is so extravagant and time-intensive; she makes a point to offer something for every price point. Her podcasts provide accessible and relatable dating advice you can listen to while on the go. “With my podcasts, I made it so everyone can afford to get information from me,” she said. And some of them are complimentary!
Many Women Heap Praise on Their Dating Fairy Godmother
In her work as a coach, author, and dating expert, Lauren routinely changes people’s love lives for the better. In 2010, Laurie Grigg praised her coaching methods, saying, “The Man Magnet weekend opened me up totally. It gave me an ease with myself and ease with my body.” Laurie wrote that she began feeling comfortable wearing more attractive clothing and soon caught the eye of her high school crush Dale. “It is amazing what love does to you,” she said.One woman had just gotten out of a bad marriage when she came to Lauren for advice. The dating coach helped her set up a dating profile, under the name ScarletTiger. A single man saw that profile and instantly decided she was the one for him. But he didn’t have a clear profile picture so, as per Lauren’s advice, his messages went unanswered. He didn’t give up, though.
“Lauren is a man genius — seriously. She transformed my look, my wardrobe, and my life.” — Robin L.
“I’ve been scratched by the tiger,” he wrote in a last-ditch effort to get a response. He explained that he didn’t post a photo in case someone from his work recognized him, but sent his full name and phone number so she could look him up. He also sent a picture in the private message. ScarletTiger was flattered and agreed to a date. Within five months, they were engaged.“I did the emotional clearing work she suggested and followed Lauren’s Man Plan. Then BANG! I met him,” wrote Naz Kleiman in a testimonial. “Six months later, we were engaged.”Lauren told us her clients often see fast results once they implement her techniques and change their mindsets. “Dating is instant karma,” she said. “What you’re putting out comes back to you. Your goal should be to look like the person you would want to be with.”
Lauren Frances: A Meaningful Solution For Love Challenges
Years ago, Lauren became the leader of the pack in her friend group because her methods get results. By following her level-headed guidance, her friends saw their love lives improve by leaps and bounds.Today, single women from all walks of life turn to Lauren for advice and come away feeling empowered and irresistible. Whether you want to hone your dating strategies at home or find inspiration in a journey abroad, Lauren provides a comprehensive support system for singles on the prowl. Her hands-on love coaching gives clients the practical tools and skills they need to create the romance of their dreams. Plus, her Facebook page and Instagram community LaurenFrancesLove are great places to join in and get romantic daily tech support.“You need to be inspired, but you also need to do the legwork to find love. I just show women how to get their stilettos moving in the right direction,” Lauren said with a laugh. “And straight up the alter!”