Dating APPtitude
& the Secrets to Swiping Right!
By Lauren Frances
Ready to go RING SHOPPING instead of SWIPING? You just need Dating APPtitude!
Thank you, Love Goddess! I never felt this safe, this calm, this HAPPY with a man before. After 2 failed marriages, I never thought I’d have this kind of love. Dating APPtitude taught me how to rise above my low expectations and create a vision of love worth living. And with a man whose really worth having. And I’ve just MARRIED HIM!!!
~Charlene Watson
You might’ve heard that dating app's are “just for hook-ups” or geared for the “I-don’t-wanna-have-to-do-a-ton-of-work-here” millennial set.
You might be a little wary that the men on dating apps will be way too young, their profiles will be far too brief, or tmen will just be WEARING briefs!
And that’s why so many of my clients are SHOCKED and even appalled when I suggest that they immediately jump on them.
(Especially the gals that ask me the Million Dollar Question, “Where have all of the great men GONE?!”)
HINT: If you’ve been hunting and pecking for ‘suitable suitors’ on dating sites like Match and eHarmony, you’ll be SHOCKED to find that the pool of datable males on Dating APPs are often WAY more appealing than on your formerly fabulous dating sites.
FLIRT FACT: You just need a little Dating APPtitude!
The Fine Print: (Please read this!) Unfortunately, Dating APPs are very fast-paced and require a whole new skill set.
DATING APPtitude, will get you up-to-speed, (and dating, mating, and MANHANDLING fabulous Lovebirds in no time!).
Registration Information
You’ll get 5 INSTANT 90 MINUTE WEBINARS that cover:
- Mastering Profile writing for dating APPS and online profiles, and why they’re very different.
- What sites and apps you should try, and why!
- How to set up your Dating APP Profile, and what features you should use or ignore!
- How to flirt effectively in cyberspace!
PLUS: Hot Topics, like:
- How online dating is changing RIGHT NOW.
- How to transition from connecting to creating truly meaningful dating experiences, without meeting in person . . . yet.
- The secrets to being a great Virtual Phone Dater!
- The Art of “Giving Good Phone” and when to transition to Facetime
- How to look fab facetiming!
- How to nip SEXTING in the bud.
- Beauty Tips from my Glam Squad! Pro’s will give you their best DIY styling secrets that you can do at home. (We all need this course!)
- What’s worth sharing with new suitors, and how to manage your anxiety about what’s happening in the world right now.
- What to do if he asks you to meet?? What’s safe, and what’s not right now.
BONUSES: You’ll get Replays and e-Materials for each class!
Access to our online community for Romantic Tech Support & lovely new pals and Wingwomen! (See below for all of our sweet treats!)
Enrollment: $297.00
Regsitration Options: One Payment or an easy Month Payment Plan!

If you’re like most single women, you’re probably more than ‘a little’ skeptical about using dating APPs.
Learning how to create meaningful connections in Cyberspace is needed now, and being “grounded” is going to give us a powerful new opportunity and alter and refine the way we communicate with one another.
It’s an unprecedented time to “virtually date” and Dating APPtitude will show you how to do this meaningfully.
The truth is, this global crisis has thrown us back into our basic need for human connection. And men who were busy running around, and casually hooking up, are looking inward. (OMG) And they’re going to start dating with more seriousness, online and virtually.
The Upside: Virtual dating with the right skill set and mindset will give you valuable time to really know men before you smooch them. We are all going to become a bit Victorian when letter writing was a “thing” and lovers spent months between meetings!
Dating APPtitude will show you how to turn this topsy-turvy time, into a highly romantic one. And if you find someone you really connect with, you can take a walk on the beach!
Thank you, Love Goddess! I never felt this safe, this calm, this HAPPY with a man before. After 2 failed marriages, I never thought I’d have this kind of love. Dating APPtitude taught me how to rise above my low expectations and create a vision of love worth living. And with a man whose really worth having. And I’ve just MARRIED HIM!!!
~Charlene Watson
You might’ve heard that they’re “just for hook-ups” or geared for the “I-don’t-wanna-have-to-do-a-ton-of-work-here” millennial set.
You might be a little wary that the men on them will be either way too young, or their profiles will be far too brief, or they’ll just be WEARING briefs!
And that’s why so many of my clients are SHOCKED, and even appalled when I suggest that they immediately jump on them.
(Especially the gals that ask me that Million Dollar Question, “Where have all of the great men GONE?!”)
HINT: If you’ve been hunting and pecking for ‘suitable suitors’ on dating sites like Match and eHarmony, you’ll be SHOCKED to find that the pool of datable males on Dating APPs are often WAY more appealing than on your formerly fabulous dating sites.
FLIRT FACT: You just need a little Dating APPtitude!
The Fine Print: (Please read this!) Unfortunately, Dating APPs are very fast-paced and require a whole new skill set.
DATING APPtitude, will get you up-to-speed, (and dating, mating, and MANHANDLING fabulous Lovebirds in no time!).
You’ll learn:
- Why DATING APPs are AWESOME once you know how to use them.
- The Biggest Differences Between Dating APPs and Conventional Online Dating Sites.
- What kind of men are ON them, and the truth about if they’re just for hook-ups!)
- What COMMUNICATION SKILLS you need to be really effective on them, (and why they’re different than the ones you’re probably using on conventional dating sites).
- How to use these new TEXT and RESPONSE skills on your current dating sites, too!
- Why online dating sites are going to have a renaissance right now, and how to dust off your profile!!
Registration Information
You’ll get 5 INSTANT DOWNLOADS that cover:
- Mastering Profile writing for dating APPS and online profiles, and why they’re very different.
- What sites and apps you should try, and why!
- How to set up your Dating APP Profile, and what features you should use or ignore!
- How to flirt effectively in cyberspace!
4 Webinars! Covering timely Hot Topics, like:
- How online dating is changing RIGHT NOW.
- How to transition from connecting to creating truly meaningful dating experiences, without meeting in person . . . yet.
- The secrets to being a great Virtual Phone Dater!
- The Art of “Giving Good Phone” and when to transition to Facetime
- How to look fab facetiming!
- How to nip SEXTING in the bud.
- Beauty Tips from my Glam Squad! Pro’s will give you their best DIY styling secrets that you can do at home. (We all need this course!)
- What’s worth sharing with new suitors, and how to manage your anxiety about what’s happening in the world right now.
- What to do if he asks you to meet?? What’s safe, and what’s not right now.
BONUSES: You’ll get Replays and eMaterials for each class Access to our online community for Romantic Tech Support & lovely new pals and Wingwomen! (See below for all of our sweet treats!)
Enrollment: Just $247.00 One Payment or a 3 Month Payment Plan …

WHY YOU NEED Dating APPtitude
If you’re like most women, you’ve been busy working your badonkadonk off, raising your kids, getting out of your last relationship, going to Soul Cycle, and getting your Masters Degree.
Or some version of the above.
And that’s why if you’ve TRIED ’em, you might not have liked them and been totally underwhelmed, or even deleted them.
GAL FACT: When women aren’t savvy and knowledgeable ON THEM, creating ‘romantic traction’ WITH them can feel like an impossible trick!
In fact, ‘Ghosting’ became a part of the vernacular because on APPs like Tinder and Bumble, it’s easier than ever to match with someone, and have them go POOF!**
Men just disappear right after you swipe right (or even mid-text!) without any real follow-thru! Or worse, they’ve made plans with you and didn’t show, call or even TEXT.
#SORUDE!!! #WhyDidn’tIMarrySteve?! #BecauseHeWasTerribleAt___! #ICan’tBelieveIHaveToDoThisAtMyAge! #IRefuseToGetAnotherCat.
Whew. I hear you.
But the awesome fact is that when you learn WHAT to do, and HOW to do it, you will CRUSH IT on dating APPs. And they’re not just for millennials either. My clients are finding amazing partners on them in their 30’s-60’s. You just need an APPtidude Adjustment! (Forgive me, I just couldn’t resist that pun.)
In Dating APPtitude, my BRAND NEW Tele-class, I’m going to give you the coaching that I teach my private clients. It will make the whole process more time-effective, selective and FUN…
Testimionials for Dating APPtitude ...
Working with Lauren is like hanging out with a friend… but this friend has all the right answers about dating, men and relationships.
I am now ‘flocked’ by handsome, genuine, interesting men and dating more than I had ever imagined. It’s remarkable what a personal transformation Lauren and her team of professionals facilitate through their thoughtful work and personal attentionLauren gives a girl the skills and confidence to attract men as well as the tools to distinguish which ones are keepers and which ones to let fly away.The woman is MANtastic!~Ariane
- Ariane

Lauren Frances is so loving, she’s like a fairy godmother – if fairy godmothers were interested in finding you exactly the right prince for you, and not the other way around.~Mishna WolffThanksgiving. Six months later, we were engaged and were married nine months after that. Today we have a beautiful little girl named Grace. I’m so grateful I took her advice. I shiver at the thought of ‘What if I hadn’t?’ Well, there would be no David and definitely…. no Grace in my life!
- Mishna Wolff

Hot Topics
The Differences Between Dating Apps and Dating Sites
- How to use APPs, and which FEATURES and BENEFITS will make them the most effective USER FRIENDLY.
- Which APPS are better than others, around the WORLD.
- Secrets to Swiping effectively, and not accidentally tossing great men into the abyss!
- How to manage the ‘flow’ of incomings and outgoings!
- How to make the best use of your time, and not get caught up in playing ‘Bumble or Tinder Solitaire’.
- Creating your Dating APP USER PROFILE!
(What PICTURES and PROFILES work best – and how they should differ from your regular dating sites to be effective.
Flirting APPtitude
- To text, (or not to text…) I’ll answer the question!
- How to communicate on APPs in a language men UNDERSTAND.
- The Truth about emojiis! Do men like them? And which ones you should use.
- Who texts first, and what do you SAY?
- How to TEXT with suitors, and LoveScripts that will make you SHINE.
- When to DELETE, or keep on FLIRTING.
- How to transition from SWIPING to chatting, to actual dating!
- How to ‘get flocked’ with suitors and manage your inbox!
The Secret Male Dating APP Decoder
- Screening practices and safety guidelines.
- He wrote something that doesn’t make sense…what to do?
- Flirting and texting techniques that are man-friendly and irresistible!
- What he’s texting to you, and what it MEANS by that emoji!
- Ghosting…What to do if he isn’t stepping up and texting you, or asking you for a phone call or a date! (And how to FIX it).‘Text scripts’ and Volleys that work like a charm!
- How to tell him you’re ready to chat. And how to not become his pen pal.
- How to go from being an ‘option’ in his inbox, to a priority.
- How to tell if you’re flirting is working, or secretly turning men OFF.
- How to check him out on social media to find out if he’s SINGLE, or not relationship material!
- And SO much more…
Program Details
- 5 Instant Downloads upon signup and an introductory webinar. They come with eMaterials and MP3’s that you can start listening to, today.
- Profile writing templates that will GET ATTENTION on DATING APP's and on dating sites.
- 2. Live Q & A Webinars with Lauren tu support this program.
- An Invitation to join Dating APPtitudes Private Whatsapp and FB group, where you can ask questions & share your Romantic Reports from the field. We love these!
- You will hae the option to connect with our global community and create a virtual ManTrap Pack of amazing wing-women
- PLUS: The first 10 registrants will get a complimentary 1:1 Mini-Consult with Lauren!
Registration Information
Enrollment: Just $247.00 One Payment or a Monthly Payment Plan!

Lauren is a man genius – seriously! She transformed my look, my wardrobe, and my life. Trust her because she knows what’s doing. If you are one of the fortunate few who get to experience her magic first hand, count yourself lucky indeed. Because of her encouragement and vision I met my man in less than 2 months after the workshop! Not only is he beautiful and loving and kind, he thinks I am the most amazing and wonderful woman on earth. He tells me he’d marry me tomorrow if I’d say yes but for now we have agreed we plan to be PFL’s (partners for life…his term!). I signed up, changed my mind, tried to cancel, but Lauren convinced me it’s exactly what I needed… thank God she did!
- Robin L

I was just blown away at Lauren’s talent: her ability to listen and understand with compassion and just see what is blocking women. Once she gives you advice, it comes from a space of wisdom, tremendous compassion and deep love. That is such a gift that Lauren has to offer to women. Tremendous transformation happens because they are being allowed to open up, connect to their heart and share what is blocking them for being who they truly are: beautiful, amazing goddesses that deserved to be loved, adored and cherished.
- Yana G

Two years ago, Lauren came into my life at the most perfect time. I was casually dating the wrong men who were “in the meantime” guys. … I did the emotional clearing work she suggested and followed Lauren’s Man Plan. Then BANG! I met him. David and I had our first date the Saturday after Thanksgiving. Six months later, we were engaged and were married nine months after that. Today we have a beautiful little girl named Grace. I’m so grateful I took her advice. I shiver at the thought of ‘What if I hadn’t?’ Well, there would be no David and definitely…. no Grace in my life!
- Naz Kleiman